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Getting Started with Adobe - Self Study | online.

Getting started with Adobe Badge.



This overview course looks at each of the most popular Adobe applications. Learners will discover what each application does and is used for and will gain a good understanding of which application to pick to perform a particular task or complete a project.



Detailed Description

This self study course is for anyone who is new to Adobe and is designed to familiarise you with the different applications and products on offer from Adobe. During the session, we round up the most standout applications and explain, in simple terms, what they do and why you might need them. By the end of the session, you should have a firm understanding as to which application you should use for which particular job or project. 

  • Discover what Adobe is  

  • Uncover what all the different Adobe Applications do  

  • Identify when you should use each application  

  • How to Access Adobe - Purchasing a licence and installing software  

  • Test your knowledge of Adobe 

Digital Badge
You will automatically, become eligible to claim a digital badge once you have demonstrated capability according to specific criteria established for the badge. This badge can be shared with future employers, on linkedin and many other digital platforms. 

Venue `
You will be provided access to our short course platform for this course.

Entry requirements
There are no entry requirements for this course and previous experience is not necessary, however, you should be confident in the use of IT generally.

Further information and enquiries
If you have any further questions, then the short course team
[email protected] and they will be happy to advise you further. 

Cancellations policy
Please read our  short course terms & conditions to find our more 
falmouth-university-short-course-terms-and-conditions-2024-1.pdf (263.75 KB)