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Figma for UI Design - June 2025 - Online.




20th June 9am-12

Figma is a platform for teams & Individuals to design, prototype, develop, and collect feedback on products in one space. It offers tools for co-creating, aligning, and standardising design.

As Adobe have stopped investing in their UI design app, Adobe XD, many designers are now moving over to Figma.



Detailed Description

Find out how we deliver online

This course is designed to provide an introduction to Figma, a powerful tool for creating user interfaces and experiences for websites, mobile apps, and other digital platforms. The course will cover the following topics:

  1. Introduction to Figma: Participants will learn about the features and capabilities of Figma, including artboards, grids, and layers.
  2. Creating a design project: Participants will be guided through the process of creating a design project from scratch, including importing graphics, creating and styling shapes, and adding text.
  3. Prototyping: Participants will learn how to create interactive prototypes of their designs, including defining navigation paths, creating interactive elements, and testing the prototype.
  4. Collaboration: Participants will learn how to use Figma's collaboration features to share their work with others, including real-time co-editing and sharing design specs.

By the end of the course, participants should have a basic understanding of Figma's interface and tools, and be able to use these concepts to create basic design projects and interactive prototypes. This course is ideal for beginners who are new to Figma or for those with some experience in other design tools who want to learn Figma.


Course date
20th June 9am-12

Figma Licence access
Free to install

Entry requirements
There are no entry requirements for this course and previous experience is not necessary, however, you should be confident in the use of IT generally.

Further information and enquiries
If you have any further questions, then the short course team
shortcourses@falmouth.ac.uk and they will be happy to advise you further.