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Make Essay & Dissertation writing Easier using MS Word - March 2025 - online.

Essay writing



Monday 10th March 6-9pm

MS Word is the best application for writing Dissertations and Essays at Falmouth, it's important that students know and understand how to use Word to its full potential, to create impressive well laid out essays using features such Table of contents, footnotes, endnotes, styles and bibliographies.



Detailed Description

Find out how we deliver online

This short Course will cover the most important functions that you will need to know to use the software effectively within your studies.

It will include, using heading/formatting styles, table of contents. Adding references and many other useful functions.

Digital Badge
You will automatically, become eligible to claim a digital badge once you have demonstrated capability according to specific criteria established for the badge. This badge can be shared with future employers, on linkedin and many other digital platforms. 


Course date
Monday 10th March 6-9pm

Entry requirements
There are no entry requirements for this course and previous experience is not necessary, however, you should be confident in the use of IT generally.

Further information and enquiries
If you have any further questions, then the short course team [email protected] and they will be happy to advise you further.