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Fundamentals of Excel for the Workplace - February 2025 - online.




2 part Course - Wednesday 5th & 12th February 1-4pm

It is important that we inform you that the prices of our courses will increase during the term. We recommend that you book as soon as possible to secure your place and benefit from the current fees.
This course is for anyone with basic IT skills who wants to get started with and learn the fundamentals of Excel.

It will cover basics such how to navigate the interface, adding editing and formatting data, importing data, and using tables and charts to organise data and show it visually. Some common basic formulas will also be covered.

This course fee is for Falmouth University students only.



Detailed Description

Find out how we deliver online

Excel can be used for financial management, including budgeting, forecasting, and creating financial models. By learning Excel, graduates can better understand financial data and make informed financial decisions.

Overall, learning Excel is a valuable skill for graduates, regardless of their field of study. Excel can be used for a variety of tasks, from data analysis to financial management, and can increase job opportunities and career advancement.


Course date
2 part Course - Wednesday 5th & 12th February 1-4pm

Entry requirements
There are no entry requirements for this course and previous experience is not necessary, however, you should be confident in the use of IT generally.

Digital Badge
You will automatically, become eligible to claim a digital badge once you have demonstrated capability according to specific criteria established for the badge. This badge can be shared with future employers, on linkedin and many other digital platforms.

Further information and enquiries
If you have any further questions, then the short course team
[email protected] and they will be happy to advise you further.